Posted by Noreen Levis

Today is the feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, and though not celebrated in our liturgy, let us remember in our prayers all who offer care to those in need in his name in our parishes…

” God does not consider the outcome of good work undertaken but the charity that accompanied it ”

          Noble Saint Vincent de Paul,

beloved servant of the poor,
may we follow your example and do good works
among those whom society has abandoned,
enslaved, or forgotten.
Inspire us to feed the hungry,
to love a child,
to provide comfort and medicine to the sick,
to clothe those whose garments are threadbare,
and to offer hope and our Lord’s words
to all who need respite.
Pray for us to our beloved God
that we may commit ourselves selflessly
to doing the same charitable acts
that you did all your life,
and intercede with him
that we may have the favor of his guidance
and strength and love upon this important and meaningful work.
